
California’s Proposition 5, the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act defeated

The Los Angeles Times reports that California’s Proposition 5—aka the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act (NORA)–was defeated by a margin of roughly 60 percent to 40 percent. As I discussed in an earlier post, the measure, which drew the attention of drug policy advocates nationwide, was regarded by some as “the biggest sentencing and prison reform in United States history” but was condemned by national drug-court advocates and California law-enforcement groups.

NORA called for more funding for addiction treatment and less imprisonment of drug offenders. Those supporting NORA stressed that it would increase funding for drug courts, but critics complained that NORA would have limited the ability of drug-court judges to jail drug offenders.

Comments about this post can be directed to Irvine Criminal Defense Attorney William Weinberg at 949.474.8008.

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